Many people find it hard to seek help for behavioral health.
In spite of a growing awareness of depression and anxiety, misunderstandings persist and these can deter people from seeking help as readily as they would for other more obviously 'physical' illnesses. At HBH we aim to lead you through the logical steps involved in seeking help, and to provide you with information and explanations of the different steps along the way.

Please use "The Start Your Journey Here!" Button above to contact us the best way that suits you.

When to seek help for depression...

When to seek help for depression
Everybody feels down or sad at times.  But it's important to be able to recognize when depression has become more than a temporary thing, and when to seek help.

‍As a general rule of thumb, if your feeling of depression persist for most of every day for two weeks or longer, and interfere with your ability to manage at home or outside the home, then you would benefit from assessment by a skilled professional.

It's also important to recognize that many of the above features could be caused by or related to other things, such as a physical illness, the effects of medication, or stress.  A trained professional will help in assessing such things.  Allow yourself to seek help. Struggling on alone can prolong the depression.

The following is a list of the features that may be experienced by someone with depression.

Lowered self-esteem
Change in sleep patterns
Change in mood control
Varying emotions throughout the day
Change in appetite and weight
Reduced ability to enjoy things
Reduced ability to tolerate pain
Reduced sex drive
Suicidal thoughts
Impaired concentration and memory
Loss of Motivation and drive
Increase in fatigue
Change in movement
Being out of touch with reality

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